For first- through eighth-grade students, Enrichment is the time when they have age-appropriate lessons from the Second Step Social and Emotional Intelligence Curriculum. Students learn emotional regulation, personal safety and health boundaries.
Companion animals have come to campus. In 2017, St. Joseph’s Indian School trialed and approved the Houseparents and Pets In (HAPI) Homes program on campus.
Mentors make a difference. Students who have a mentor tend to do better in school and have higher graduation rates. Mentors see talents and gifts sometimes hidden to a student and help to bring them out...
Summer and break homes accommodate students in first- through eighth-grades who require additional assistance with education or other factors.
A variety of programs support the development of relationships between our students and public school students. In addition to other benefits, these activities foster relationships that students in our ...
The World as a Classroom refers to the opportunities for our students to travel designed by St. Joseph’s Indian School over the years. Through these trips, students learn how to pack, use the airport, access ground transportation and stay safe while away from home.