School Records Release Form

"*" indicates required fields

Student Name*
Please enter a number from 1 to 12.
School Address*
I agree to have the school release the following records*
As the parent/guardian of the above named child, I grant my permission for the school listed above to release information to St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, SD; for the purpose of determining if my child should be admitted to St. Joseph's Indian School. I understand that this release is valid until it is revoked in writing by me. I also understand that the collection of this information does not mean my child has been admitted to St. Joseph's Indian School, but only that admission is being considered.
Clear Signature
Clear Signature
According to the Final Regulations-Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (Buckley Amendment), June 17, 1976, it is no longer necessary to obtain consent to release records. It states that school officials of other schools in school systems in which the student may intend to enroll, may receive a student’s record without a written consent for such release.